Reading Fluency

Practice Expression: “A Contest of Riddles”

Expression in reading is how you use your voice to express feeling. Use this passage to practice reading with proper expression. Print a copy of this passage from to help you monitor your progress.

KING. Daughter, your happiness means a lot to us. What if we let you choose your own husband?

QUEEN. [gasps] What? No girl in our kingdom has ever been allowed to make her own choice. It is the parents’ responsibility to make such an important decision. [aside, with a hint of a smile] How he spoils that girl!

PRINCESS. Father, I have always wanted to marry someone who enjoys riddles as much as I do. I could marry a man who is as good a riddler as I am. That would make me very happy.

KING. [suddenly claps his hands happily] I have an idea! We will have a contest. You will match your skills against young men throughout the kingdom. The one who wins will become your husband. [speaking to the QUEEN] This is a plan that works for us all. We make the decision, and at the same time, our daughter gets a clever husband.

QUEEN. [nods] So let it be done.