Practice Phrasing: “When Cultures Meet”

Phrasing is how you use your voice to group words together. Use this passage to practice reading with proper phrasing. Print a copy of this passage from to help you monitor your progress.

The American elk, a type of deer, roamed much of the United States and southern Canada. Native Americans hunted them. Soon, Europeans began hunting elk, too. They hunted thousands of elk. After a time, elk could only be found west of the Rocky Mountains.

About 50 million buffalo once roamed the North American Plains. The Plains Indians used the buffalo for food, clothing, shelter, tools, fuel, and medicine. European settlers hunted the buffalo, too. Often they hunted for sport or they took the skins and left the meat to rot in the sun. Settlers killed millions of buffalo. By 1889, there were only about 1,000 buffalo in the United States. Soon, the Plains Indians had to change their way of life because too few buffalo remained to support them.