• Academic Vocabulary
introduce(in-tru-düs) v. To introduce means to present someone by name. You may introduce one friend to another.
invention(in-ven-shun) n. An invention is something that is made for the first time. The telephone is an invention that lets people talk.
invitation(in-vu-tā-shun) n. An invitation is a request for you to do something. People getting married send wedding invitations.
• involve(in-vahlv) v. To be involved means to be part of something. A team involves people working together.
• issue(ish-ü) n. An issue is a problem or concern. Taking care of the environment has become an important issue.
(job) n. A job is work you do. This person has a job in a restaurant.
journey(jur-nē) n. A journey is a long trip. People take a journey across the ocean in a ship.
• judgment(juj-mint) n. A judgment is a decision or ruling. In a court, a judge makes a judgment about who is right.
(nah-lij) n. Knowledge is what you know. When you learn new things, you add to your knowledge.
(lēg) n. A league is a group of teams that play the same sport. My friends and I all play in our neighborhood baseball league.
(lō-cul) adj. Local means nearby. My family goes to the local farmers’ market every weekend to buy fresh vegetables.
• logical(lah-ji-kul) adj. Something that is logical seems believable or reasonable. It is logical to wear a coat when it is cold outside.
(mu-shēn) n. A machine is a tool made of parts that does some kind of work. You can make clothes with a sewing machine.
marry(mair-ē) v. To marry means to join together. When two people marry, they join together to make a family.
melt(melt) v. To melt means to change from a solid to a liquid. When the sun is out, the snow begins to melt.
mighty(mī-tē) adj. To be mighty means to be powerful and strong. Crocodiles have mighty jaws.
• model(mod-ul) n. A model is a copy of something. He builds models of motorcycles as a hobby.
monster(mahn-ster) n. A monster is a scary creature. The dinosaur was a terrifying monster.
(mus-ul) n. A muscle is an organ that gives you strength to move. You can see and feel the muscles in your arm.
museum(myū-zē-um) n. In a museum, people can look at art or other valuable objects. Our class saw paintings at the museum.