Role-Play Work with a partner. Role-play an interview with a character from the story to learn about his or her ideas about culture. Ask questions that begin with who, what, where, when, why, and how. Trade roles. Answer your partner’s questions with complete sentences.
Why do you like the name Arturo?
I share it with my father and grandfather and his father.
Study the Models An effective sentence is clear, interesting, and complete. A complete sentence has a subject and a predicate. When you use complete sentences, your writing is clear.
Add Sentences Think of two sentences to add to the OK model above. Be sure to use complete sentences.
WRITE ON YOUR OWN Write about the importance of your name. Is it important to always use your formal name? What if someone calls you something else? When is it OK to use a nickname—for example, Ed instead of Edward? Check your sentences to make sure they are complete.
Friends often have nicknames for each other.
A complete sentence has both a subject and a predicate.