The lion slowly got up so he could show us his full presence. He roared again. The second roar almost broke my eardrums. The lion was now pacing up and down, walking in small circles. He was looking at our feet and then at our eyes. They say a lion can figure out who will be the first person to spear it.
I edged closer to my brother, being careful not to give any sign of lifting or throwing my spear, and I said, “Where’s that other camp?”
My brother said to me, “Oh, you’re going now?” He gave me a look—a look that seemed to say, You watch out because someone might think you are afraid.
But I said, “Just tell me where to go.” He told me. I gave him my spear. “It will help you,” I said, and then I took off in the direction of the other cattle camp. No warrior looked back to see where I was going. They were all concentrating on the lion.
A male lion roars, ready to attack.