Unit 1 Wrap-Up

Decision Point

GUIDING QUESTION How do decisions affect your identity?

Reflect on Your Reading

Think back on your reading of the unit selections. Discuss what you did to understand what you read.

Focus on Genre Narrative Writing

In this unit, you learned about fiction and nonfiction. Choose a selection from the unit and explain to a partner what makes it fiction or nonfiction. Find examples of its point of view.

Reading Strategy Plan Your Reading

As you read the selections, you learned how to preview and predict to help you understand the narratives. Discuss with a partner how you might use this strategy with other kinds of texts.

Explore the Guiding Question

Throughout this unit, you have been thinking about decisions and identity. Choose one of these ways to explore the Guiding Question:

  • Discuss With a group, discuss the Guiding Question. Give examples from real life of decisions that affect who you are. Compare them to decisions in the selections.

  • Describe Each selection describes a place that affects the main character’s identity. Describe a place that is important to you. Give details to help listeners see it in their minds.

  • Write Write a letter to one of the authors of these selections. Tell what you liked about the narrative.

Book Talk

Which Unit Library book did you choose? Explain to a partner what it taught you about decision making.

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