Read this passage aloud. Look at each underlined word. Focus on the word parts, and put their meanings together to figure out the word.
Prefix: re- means “again”
Prefix: un- means “not”
Prefix: pre- means “before”
Prefix: anti- means “against”
Suffix: -able means “can do”
Suffix: -ful means “full of”
Peoples’ choices change history.
Most people think history is a retelling of big events and famous people. But history is actually a review of everything that happens. History is always being made because of the choices people make. Change is unavoidable. Sometimes people are unaware of how powerful their choices can be. For example, Rosa Parks probably never thought that refusing to give up her bus seat would become such an important event in United States history. Look around you. Perhaps a choice you or a friend makes will show you a preview of history to come.
Read this passage aloud. What is the meaning of each underlined word? How do you know?
The 1960s may seem like ancient times to you. Yet many people think the 1960s were the most amazing years in the United States. There were many changes during those years, and it was not a peaceful time. Four presidents held office in just ten years. The space program went from sending small rockets into space to sending men to the moon. Some people worked against unjust laws. Some tried to keep things the same.
Values changed, too. African Americans, young people, and women all became forceful voices for peace and against unequal treatment under the law. A war split the country into supporters and antiwar groups. New leaders arose. Some of them were killed in unthinkable acts of violence.
The challenges of the 1960s may seem far away today. Those years, though, prepared the way for the world you know today.