1 = I have never seen this word before.
2 = I am not sure of the word’s meaning.
3 = I know this word and can teach the word’s meaning to someone else.
Rate and Study the Words Rate how well you know each word. Then:
1. Pronounce the word. Say it aloud several times. Spell it.
2. Study the example.
3. Tell more about the word.
4. Practice it. Make the word your own.
civil rights (siv-ul rīts) noun page 181![]() Your civil rights are the rights you have as a member of society. Many people marched to gain civil rights for all. | determined (dē-tur-mind) adjective page 181![]() When you are determined to do something, you work hard at it. The football team was determined to win. Related Word: determination | equality (ē-kwal-i-tē) noun page 181![]() When you have the same rights as other people, you have equality. Equality is important within any group of people. Related Words: equal, equalize |
integrate (in-ti-grāt) verb page 184![]() When you integrate groups, you bring them together. Martin Luther King, Jr., worked to integrate schools. Synonym: combine Antonym: segregate | prejudice (prej-ū-dis) noun page 180 If you have prejudice, you judge things and people before you know about them. Prejudice is a form of ignorance. Related Word: judge | Practice the Words Make a Study Card for each Key Word. Then compare your cards with a partner’s. determined What it means: to work hard for something Examples: I was determined to get an A on the test, so I studied hard. She was determined to win the race. Not examples: I wanted an A, but I did not study. She didn’t like to run races but thought she might win anyway. Study Card |
protest (prō-test) verb page 191 To protest something means to show you are against it. Americans protested unfair treatment of African Americans. | ||
segregation (seg-ri-gā-shun) noun page 180![]() Segregation is when people are kept apart. The segregation of African American people in the 1950s was wrong. Antonym: integrate | separate (sep-u-rut) adjective page 183![]() If you are separate from other people, you are not with them. It is not fun to feel separate from the group. Antonym: together |