Connect Across the Curriculum, continued
Vocabulary Study: Use Word Parts: Prefixes
dis-the opposite of
de-removal, reversal

Many English words are made of different word parts. When you analyze the parts, you can figure out the meaning of the whole word. For example:

The prefix dis- means “the opposite of.”dis- prefix + comfort base word
Discomfort means “the opposite of comfort,” to not have comfort.

Find Word Parts Work with a partner. Analyze each of these words’ parts. Put the meanings together to understand the whole word.

  • 1. unfair

  • 2. injustice

  • 3. nonviolent

  • 4. redraw

  • 5. re-election

  • 6. desegregate

Write Sentences Write a sentence for each word. Read your sentences aloud. Does the meaning you predicted make sense in the sentence?

Literary Analysis: Analyze Tone

The tone of a poem is the feeling it gives readers. Often tone is created by the sound of the words. When you read a poem aloud, notice the sounds. What images do they make you think of? What feeling do they give you? How a poem sounds can give you clues to a poem’s tone, or feeling, and message.

Listen to the Sound Read these lines aloud. Notice how they sound. What do you think the speaker’s attitude, or tone, is?

Interpret the Poem With a partner, read the poem “Midway” aloud. What images do you see? What is the tone? What is the speaker saying?