Set a Purpose
Find out how words influenced Martin.
Everywhere in Martin’s hometown, he saw the signs, WHITE ONLY. His mother said these signs were in all Southern cities and towns in the United States. Every time Martin read the words, he felt bad, until he remembered what his mother told him: “You are as good as anyone.”
In church Martin sang hymns. He read from the Bible. He listened to his father preach. These words made him feel good.
“When I grow up, I’m going to get big words, too.”
Martin grew up. He became a minister like his father. And he used the big words he had heard as a child from his parents and from the Bible.
“Everyone can be great.”
He studied the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. He learned how the Indian nation won freedom without ever firing a gun. Martin said “love,” when others said “hate.”
“Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.”
He said “together” when others said “separate.” He said “peace” when others said “war.”
“Sooner or later, all the people of the world will have to discover a way to live together.”