Language that is unique to certain fields of work is called jargon. It may not appear in everyday language. Use context to figure out its meaning.
The context shows that microgravity is what astronauts feel in space.
Use Context Clues Discuss the meanings of the underlined jargon.
1. The astronauts must spend lots of time breathing only pure oxygen before going outside the space station. This is a process called prebreathing.
2. Most food is either precooked or processed. It requires no refrigeration and is either ready to eat or can be prepared simply by adding water or by heating it.
3. Dehydrated food, or food that is dried out, is packaged in plastic containers or bags.
What would reporters ask if they interviewed astronauts about their experiences in space? Role-play an interview with an astronaut.
1 Make a Plan With a partner, make a plan for the interview. List questions that a news reporter might ask an astronaut. Then answer each question as you think the astronaut would.
Question | Answer |
What is microgravity like? | You fly everywhere. You don’t walk. |
2 Act Out Your Interview Decide who will play the news reporter and who will play the astronaut. Use your list of questions and answers as you role-play the interview. Perform your role-play for the class.