► Build Background
► Language & Grammar
Describe Animals and Things
Use Adjectives That Describe
► Prepare to Read
Learn Key Vocabulary
Learn a Reading Strategy
► Read and Write
Focus on Genre
Environmental Report
Apply the Reading Strategy
Critical Thinking
Reading Fluency
Read with Intonation
Vocabulary Review
Write About the Guiding Question
► Connect Across the Curriculum
Literary Analysis
Use Text Features: Diagrams
Analyze Imagery in Poetry
Vocabulary Study
Use Context Clues: Multiple-Meaning Words
Give a Presentation on Endangered Species
Language and Grammar
Describe Animals and Things
Writing and Grammar
Write About an Animal
How do humans affect the environment? Our actions can make the world better or worse. We may not know that some of the things we do harm plants and animals.
Habitat Drawing Brainstorm what wild animals need to survive. Then draw a habitat, such as the mountains, desert, or forest. What if people built a town on that land? Discuss with a partner how it would affect the animals.