Rate and Study the Words Rate how well you know each word. Then:
1. Pronounce the word. Say it aloud several times. Spell it.
2. Study the example.
3. Tell more about the word.
4. Practice it. Make the word your own.
1 = I have never seen this word before.
2 = I am not sure of the word’s meaning.
3 = I know this word and can teach the word’s meaning to someone else.
classified (klas-u-fīd) verb page 340 To be classified means to be arranged or put into groups. Scientists have classified many plants and animals. Related Word: classify | endangered (en-dān-jurd) adjective page 338 To be endangered means to be at risk of disappearing forever. The ivory-billed woodpecker is an example of an endangered animal. | environment (en-vī-run-ment) noun page 337 The environment is all of the living and nonliving things that surround a person, animal, or plant. Every environment affects the things that live in it. |
extinct (ik-stingt) adjective page 340 Something that is extinct is no longer living. The dodo bird became extinct because people hunted too many over time. Related Word: extinction | illegal (i-lē-gul) adjective page 340 Something that is illegal is against the law. It is illegal to park in some areas. Antonyms: legal, lawful | pollution (pul-lü-shun) noun page 338 Pollution is waste, chemicals, and gases that have a harmful effect. Air and water pollution hurt living things. |
population (pop-yu-lā-shun) noun page 338 Population is the total number of plants or animals in a group. The human population of Earth is more than six billion. | species (spē-shēz) noun page 338 A species is a related group of animals or plants. Lions and tigers are different species. African lions and Asian lions are the same species. | Practice the Words Work with a partner to complete an Expanded Meaning Map for each Key Word. |