Study the photographs and listen to this comparison.
How would you compare the two cats? Find one more way.
Picture Prompt: It’s All in the Family
Siberian tiger
domestic cat
The Siberian tiger and the domestic cat are relatives. Both belong to the cat family. However, the tiger lives in the wild and is much larger than the domesticated house cat. Large, wild cats like lions and tigers are often called “big cats.”
All cats are natural hunters. They have sharp claws, strong jaws, and thirty sharp teeth. They have powerful bodies with padded feet. The tiger is more powerful and more ferocious than the house cat.
Cats can sneak up and suddenly pounce on their prey. They use their long tails for balance as they jump and leap. They use their rough, moist tongues for cleaning meat from animal bones and for grooming themselves.
All cats have the ability to see well in the dark. They have very good hearing, too. Both big cats and domestic cats mark their territories with their scents. This informs others of their home range. A tiger has a wider home range than a house cat.