3 = I know this word and can teach the word’s meaning to someone else.
Rate and Study the Words Rate how well you know each word. Then:
1. Pronounce the word. Say it aloud several times. Spell it.
2. Study the example.
3. Tell more about the word.
4. Practice it. Make the word your own.
Key Words
argument (ar-gyu-munt) nounpage 482 An argument is a strong disagreement. My friend and I got into an argument because he was late. Related Word:argue
complaint (kum-plānt) nounpage 484 To give a complaint is to tell others that you are unhappy about something. I sent my complaint in a letter to the editor. Antonym:praise
damage (dam-ij) nounpage 482 Damage means harm that is done. I threw a baseball, which caused damage to the window. Antonym:repair
furious (fyur-ē-us) adjectivepage 482 Someone who is furious is very angry. The man was furious when his car was hit. Related Word:fury Synonym:angry
inevitable (i-nev-i-tu-bul) adjectivepage 486 Something that is inevitable will happen no matter what. If you throw a ball up, it is inevitable that it will come down.
mercy (mur-sē) nounpage 484 Mercy is kindness to someone in trouble. My mom showed mercy when I spilled food on the floor. Related Word:merciful
plead (plēd) verbpage 483 To plead means to strongly ask for something. Children might plead for a larger allowance.
relent (ri-lent) verbpage 483 To relent means to stop. After flooding the town, the rain finally relented.
Practice the Words Make a Word Map for each Key Word. Then compare your maps with a partner. Word Map