On Display

The original Constitution was written in 1787 on four sheets of parchment, a heavy kind of paper. It was kept in various cities until 1952, when it was placed in the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C. In 2003, a major renovation of the National Archives was completed. The entire Constitution is now on display.

First of Its KindWho Signed It?The Clerk’s Fee
The U.S. Constitution has about 4,500 words. It is the oldest and the shortest written constitution of any government in the world today.Thirty-nine men signed the Constitution. The oldest was 81-year-old Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania. The youngest was Jonathan Dayton of New Jersey, who was 26.The clerk who wrote out the Constitution was paid $30 for the job. That is worth about $575 today.
Visitors look at the original Constitution at the National Archives Building in Washington, DC.

Visitors look at the original Constitution at the National Archives Building in Washington, DC.