Another way that you can make your voice heard is to start a petition. A petition is a formal document, or paper, that tells what you want. People who agree with your request sign your petition. The signed petition is presented to an official, a person who makes decisions. A petition with a lot of signatures might persuade that official to support what you want.
Let’s say that you think that your community should have an arts center. You and your friends see that the library has a room that is often empty so you talk with the librarian who agrees that the room could be turned into an arts center. How can you get the town to support your idea?
You and your friends decide to start a petition. With the help of others, you collect as many signatures as possible. Soon the town is talking about what a good idea it would be to have an arts center.
Finally, you present your petition to the local government. The town council reads the petition and acts on it. A few months later, the arts center opens!
Students urge people to protect the environment by adding their signatures to a petition.