The Pro/Con essays in “Feeding the World” and the Yes!/No! essays in “Would It Be Fun to Run a Restaurant?” are persuasive texts. Compare their persuasive techniques. Then evaluate how effective the texts are.
Collect and Organize Ideas Make a chart like this one. List each selection on your chart. Evaluate the writers’ arguments, support, and word choice. Do they convince you? Under Is It Effective?, write “Yes” or “No,” and then give reasons for your opinion.
Title | Argument and Support | Persuasive Language | Is It Effective? |
Genetically Modified Food: Pro | GM food is a good way to feed the world. New technology improves crops so there is more food. | “I learned firsthand about…poverty and hunger“ “urgent need for new technology” |
Compare Ideas Identify the persuasive elements in each essay. Note each argument and its support. Then compare the two essays. Tell which essay convinced you. Explain.
Complete the chart for the two essays about running a restaurant. Then summarize. Which essay persuaded you? Why? You may want to use a frame like this one to help you express your comparison.
In “_________,” the writer argues that _________. The writer supports the argument by saying _________. In “_________,” the writer argues that _________. The writer supports the argument by saying _________. The more persuasive of these two essays is _________ because _________.