illegal(i-lē-gul) adj. Something that is illegal is against the law. It is illegal to hunt in some areas.
• image(im-ij) n. An image is a mental picture of something. Moira has a mental image of her grandmother baking cookies.
• impact(im-pakt) v. To impact means to have an effect. The new salespeople will continue to impact the sales numbers, pushing them up.
increase(in-krēs) v. To increase means to become larger in number or size. The size of my family increased when my brother was born.
independence(in-di-pen-duns) n. Independence means freedom from control by others. The U.S. celebrates its independence with fireworks on the Fourth of July.
(in-de-vij-yū-wul) 1 adj. Something that is individual is separate from other things. Most students like to receive individual attention from their teacher. 2 n. An individual is one person. Only one individual can sit on the chair.
• inevitable(i-nev-i-tu-bul) adj. Something that is inevitable will happen no matter what. If you throw a ball up, it is inevitable that it will come down.
influence(in-flü-uns) v. When people influence you, they change the way you think. Martin Luther King, Jr. influenced people to work toward equality.
informed(in-formd) adj. To be informed is to have knowledge. It is our duty to be informed about issues.
ingredient(in-grē-dē-unt) n. An ingredient is something that is part of a mixture. Flour, sugar, and butter are ingredients used to make cookies.
innocent(in-u-sent) adj. Someone who is innocent is without guilt. The puppy looks innocent and sweet.
insist(in-sist) v. To insist means to demand or to keep saying. The child insisted on walking the other direction.
inspiration(in-spu-rā-shun) n. An inspiration is a reason for doing or creating something. Artists often find their inspiration in the beauty of nature.
• integrate(in-te-grāt) v. When you integrate groups, you bring them together. Martin Luther King, Jr. worked to integrate schools.
• interpret(in-tur-prut) v. To interpret means to explain the meaning of something. A judge interprets the meanings of laws.
• involved(in-vahlvd) adj. To get involved is to become a part of something. Many people are involved in improving their communities.
• issue(i-shü) v. To issue means to give or hand out. The agent issued tickets to the passengers.
(juj-ment) n. Judgment is the ability to make good decisions. He used good judgment by coming home before it started to rain.
justice(jus-tis) n. Justice means fairness. Our court system is set up to give everyone an opportunity for justice.
(king-dum) n. A kingdom is a land or area ruled by a king or a queen. The kingdom was made up of three countries.
(land-lawrd) n. A landlord is a person who owns land or buildings. My landlord always makes sure the building is clean.
leadership(lēd-ur-ship) n. Leadership means guiding others in what to do. A person who helps others shows leadership.
• literal(lit-ur-al) adj. The literal meaning of a word is its exact meaning. Always use literal words when explaining things to children.
• location(lō-kā-shun) n. The location is the site or place where a person lives. She lives in a location close to the beach.
• logical(lah-ji-kul) adj. When something is logical, it makes sense or is reasonable. It is logical to close the windows when it rains.
(mezh-ur-ment) n. A measurement is the size or quantity of something. I took measurements of the rock to find out how long it is.
• Academic Vocabulary