(tal-en-tid) adj. A talented person is good at doing one or more activities. They are very talented musicians.
• technical(tek-nih-kal) adj. Something that is technical is based on scientific knowledge. The science textbook is written in technical terms.
• technique(tek-nēk) n. Technique is a skilled way of doing something. My serving technique improved after taking tennis lessons.
• technology(tek-nol-uj-ē) n. Technology is the use of knowledge to do a task or to improve how the task is done. Because of new technology, computers are faster and smaller than they once were.
• temporary(tem-pō-rair-ē) adj. When something is temporary, it lasts only a short time. They had temporary housing.
threat(thret) n. A threat is a danger. Clouds show the threat of a storm.
thrive(thrīv) v. To thrive means to grow strong and healthy. With lots of care, plants can thrive.
translate(trans-lāt) v. To translate means to explain in another language. The sign translates information into English.
(vyū-point) n. A viewpoint is the way a person thinks about things. My friends and I had different viewpoints about which way to go.
virus(vī-rus) n. A virus is a tiny particle that can cause disease in people, plants, and animals. My brother had a virus so he couldn’t go to school.
volunteer(vol-en-tēr) v. To volunteer means to work without pay. One way I can help others is to volunteer at the soup kitchen.
(wor-ē-yur) n. A warrior is someone who protects his people. Some warriors hunt animals for food.
(wīld-līf) n. Wildlife means animals and plants that live freely outdoors without human care. Bears and moose are examples of wildlife.
willful(wil-ful) adj. Someone who is willful refuses to change. A willful child only does what he wants, not what others tell him.
• Academic Vocabulary