Follow these steps to read a word.
1 Point to the first spelling. Say the sound.
2 Point to the second spelling. Say the sound.
3 Point to the last spelling. Say the sound.
4 Now blend all the sounds together to say the word. Say the word again. What is it?
s + a + d = sad
I blend 3 sounds to say sad.
Blend the sounds to read these words.
1. job
2. at
3. gas
4. mom
5. mad
6. pot
Use what you learned to read the sentences.
7. What a bad day!
8. First I drop a new pot.
9. Then my mom is mad at me.
10. Next the van has no gas.
11. I go to my job.
12. At last, I go home!
13.–16. Now write the sentences that your teacher reads.
Look at the first picture. Then read the word. Use letter cards to make a new word for the next picture. Change just 1 letter each time.