Rate and Study the Words Rate how well you know each word. Then:
Rating Scale
1 = I have never seen this word before.
2 = I am not sure of the word’s meaning.
3 = I know this word and can teach the word’s meaning to someone else.
1. Pronounce the word. Say it aloud several times. Spell it.
2. Study the example.
3. Tell more about the word.
4. Practice it. Make the word your own.
Key Words
learn (lurn) verb When people learn, they get information about a subject. These people learn about rocks.
rock (rok) noun
A rock is made of little pieces of earth called minerals. Some rocks have layers.
scientist (sī-yun-tist) noun A scientist studies the natural and physical world. A scientist who knows about rocks is a geologist.
study (stuh-dē) verb People study to learn more about a subject. These people study by reading books.
use (yūz) verb When people use a tool, they do something with it. Geologists use tools to take samples of rocks.
Practice the Words With a partner, make an Expanded Meaning Map for each Key Word. Take turns quizzing each other. For example, ask: “What is something that is like a rock?” Expanded Meaning Map