Reading Strategy

Follow these steps to read a word.

  • 1 Sometimes 2 consonants stand for 1 sound. When you see sh, ch, th, wh, or ng, say 1 sound. Then blend all the sounds together to say the word.

    shopbathEach word has 3 sounds.
    sh + o + p = shopb + a + th = bath
  • 2 When other consonants are together, each usually makes its own sound. Blend all the sounds together to say the word.

    dropwentEach word has 4 sounds.
    d + r + o + p = dropw + e + n + t = went

Reading Practice

Blend the sounds to read these words.

  • 1. brush

  • 2. bring

  • 3. cash

  • 4. class

  • 5. costs

  • 6. just

Use what you learned to read the sentences.

  • 7. Beth needs a brush for art class this spring.

  • 8. She has three dollars in cash.

  • 9. That is enough for a small brush. It costs just $2.39.

  • 10. A big, long brush costs $5.00.

  • 11. Which brush does Beth bring home?

Spelling Practice

12.–15. Now write the sentences that your teacher reads.

Word Work

16. Write each of these words on a card.

  • 16. Illustration of two cards with one word printed on each card


Say each word. Group the words that begin with the same sound. Now group the words that end with the same sound. Look at these words. What do you notice?