What is in Our City?

Statements with There is and There are

The phrase There is talks about one person or thing. The phrase There are talks about two or more people or things.

Build Sentences

Say each sentence. Add There is or There are.

  • 1. There are 2 lions.

    Photograph of two bronze lions at the bottom of the steps of a museum. A U.S. flag hangs near the entrance.Photograph of several people boarding a bus at a bus stop with a trash can nearby
  • 1. _______ 2 lions.

  • 2. _______ a U.S. flag.

  • 3. _______ some steps.

  • 4. _______ a bus stop.

  • 5. _______ a trash can.

  • 6. _______ people.

Write Sentences Illustration of the pen icon

7.–10. Work with a partner. Write 4 more sentences to tell about the photos above. Add location words.

  • 7. There are 2 lions in front of the museum.