Reading Strategy

Follow these steps to read a word.

  • 1 Look for a pattern in the word. Find the vowel. How many consonants come after the vowel? Use the pattern to figure out the vowel sound.

    Illustration of a finger pointing to “o” in the word “go” The vowel o is at the end, so it is long.Illustration of a finger pointing to “o” in the word “got.” A consonant comes after the vowel o, so the vowel is short.
  • 2 Start at the beginning. Blend the sounds together to say the word.

    Illustration of a finger pointing to the letter “g” in the word “go.” Next to this is: g + o = goIllustration of a finger pointing to “g” in the word “got.” Next to this is: g + o + t = got

Reading Practice

Use what you learned to read the sentences.

  • 1. Meg is lost. She has to be in the city soon.

  • 2. Meg stops to get gas. She asks for help.

  • 3. A man by the pump gives her a map.

  • 4. He tells her, “Take the tunnel at Elm Canyon.”

  • 5. “Then go down the hill to First Street, and go left.”

  • 6. “Thank you so much!” Meg answers.

Spelling Practice

7.–10. Now write the sentences that your teacher reads.

Word Work

11.–18. Make a chart. Then read these words:


Write each word in the chart. Put it under the word that has the same vowel sound.

  • 11. Illustration of the word “go” over the word “no”