Vocabulary Study: Use Context Clues

Some English words have the same spellings but different meanings. You can use context clues to figure out which meaning fits in a sentence.

Dictionary Entry branch (branch) noun 1 a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk 2 a store or an office away from the main building

Read this sentence from the selection. You can use tree as a clue to figure out which meaning of branch makes sense in the sentence

My father tells me that I am like a branch from that Cuban mango tree.

Use Context Clues With a partner, find these words in the selection. Take turns explaining which context clues help you figure out the meaning. Then find and copy the dictionary definition that fits.

Literary Analysis: Analyze Text Structure: Compare and Contrast

Before authors write, they think about the best way to organize their ideas. One way is to make comparisons. A writer can compare and contrast two or more things to show how they are alike or different. In “Growing Together,” the author compares her two homes, Cuba and Georgia.

Use a Chart Make a Comparison Chart like the one shown. Reread “Growing Together.” Look for comparisons between Cuba and Georgia. Use your chart to keep track of how the author compares her two homes.

Comparison Chart

Cuba Georgia
warm cold

Talk About Text Structure Share your chart with a partner. Discuss how the comparisons helped you understand the events in the story. How did they help you understand Carmen’s actions?