Focus on Vocabulary: Relate Words

Synonyms are words that have nearly the same meaning. For example, one word might create a stronger feeling than its synonym does. Knowing the exact meanings of synonyms can help you better understand what you read.


The Great Lakes are all big, but Lake Superior is enormous.

How the Strategy Works

The more words you know about an idea, the better you’ll understand what people say and the better you will be able to express yourself.

  • 1. Whenever you read, take time to learn new words.

  • 2. Put words into groups, or categories. This web shows two categories of words related to water.

    Illustration of a word web showing three connected circles going from left to right
  • 3. Then use a Synonym Scale to rank words in the same category in order of their strength.

    Synonym Scale

    Synonym Scale

Use the strategy to sort out shades of meaning for the underlined words.

Strategy in Action

Damp and drenched both describe a shade of wet, but drenched is much stronger. 1996 was a very wet year in Washington!”

Illustration of the check icon REMEMBER Knowing the exact meaning of synonyms will help you understand what you read.