Vocabulary Study: Use Word Parts
-hoodquality of
-lyin a certain way
-nessstate of

A suffix changes the meaning of a word and how the word is used in a sentence. For example:

base wordsuffix

The suffix -less means “without,” so when you add it to the noun fear, you create the adjective fearless. Someone who is fearless is without fear.

Define Words Work with a partner. Locate the suffix in each word and cover it. Tell the meaning of the base word. Uncover the suffix. Use the meaning of the suffix and the meaning of the base word to tell what the word means. Use the whole word in a sentence to tell about “Fleeing Katrina.”

  • 1. fairly

  • 2. strapless

  • 3. badly

  • 4. slightly

  • 5. completely

  • 6. darkness

  • 7. hopeless

  • 8. neighborhood

Research/Speaking: Retell a Personal Narrative


  • 1 Research Hurricane Katrina Use magazines, books, newspapers, and the Internet to find a personal narrative about Hurricane Katrina. Note the interesting details that tell about the person’s experience and feelings.

      Internet InsideNG.com
    • Illustration of an arrow inside blue dot.Find a personal narrative about Hurricane Katrina.

  • 2 Retell the Personal Narrative to the Class Begin by giving background so that listeners will understand what was happening at the time. Tell what the person saw and how he or she felt. Explain why the event was memorable.

Hurricane Katrina ruined this fisherman’s boat, home, and business.

Hurricane Katrina ruined this fisherman’s boat, home, and business.