Guiding Question How can a powerful character inspire a range of reactions?
Think back on your reading of the unit selections. Discuss what you did to understand what you read.
Focus on Genre Elements of Fiction
In this unit, you learned about plot, characters, and setting. Choose one of the fiction selections and make a Plot Diagram. Use your diagram to describe the plot, characters, and setting to a partner.
Reading Strategy Visualize
As you read, you learned to visualize. Explain to a partner how you will use this strategy in the future.
Throughout this unit, you have been thinking about the characters of classic monster stories. Choose one of these ways to explore the Guiding Question:
• Discuss With a group, discuss the Guiding Question. Talk about how you reacted to the characters in the different selections. Which character inspired the most powerful reaction in you? Give details from the text to explain.
• Create a Character Imagine you are a movie producer. What character can you create that would inspire strong reactions in people? Draw or make a model of your character and present it to a group. How do your classmates react to it?
• Role-Play With a partner, role-play Ms. Rosario, Miss Petal, or Ygor meeting one of the movie monsters from “Film Fright” for the first time.
Which Unit Library book did you choose? Explain to a partner what it taught you about classic monsters.
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