Water Rushes In

The problem did not seem too bad at first. Then water started pouring into the ship, and nothing could stop it. The ship was going to sink!

The crew tried to get help. They shot off fireworks to attract the attention of nearby ships. Crew members on those ships thought the fireworks were for fun, so they did not stop to help.

Passengers began climbing into the lifeboats on Titanic. Women and children mostly went first, but there was not enough room for everyone. When the last lifeboat was lowered into the water, there were still 1,500 people on the sinking ship.

A Ship Torn Apart

Soon passengers heard a terrible sound. It was the sound of the ship ripping apart. The ship sank just 20 minutes later, with most of the passengers and crew still on board.

A newsboy in London sells papers telling about the disaster. The disaster shocked people around the world.

A newsboy in London sells papers telling about the disaster. The disaster shocked people around the world.