1. SUM IT UP Make a Venn Diagram. Compare people in the past who wanted freedom with people who seek equal rights today.
Venn Diagram
2. Interpret Suppose you lived in the 1830s and saw a poster offering a reward for a runaway slave. How would you react? Explain why.
3. Describe How would you describe people who joined the Underground Railroad to assist slaves? Give three adjectives.
4. Infer Look at the map on page 366. Do you think it was easier for Henson to escape than for many other slaves? Explain.
Intonation Read the passage on page 583 to a partner. Assess your fluency.
1. I read
a. great
b. OK
c. not very well
2. What I did best in my reading was _______.
Oral Review Read the paragraph aloud. Add the vocabulary words.
Explore the Struggle for Freedom
How does “Follow the Drinking Gourd” go with “Escaping to Freedom”? Reread both texts. Find examples in each one to support your ideas.