How Is Writing Organized? Nonfiction texts often demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships. Words and phrases such as because, the reason, since, and as a result signal cause and effect.
Practice Together
Read and Notice Read this passage from “Seeking Freedom.” It explains why people might leave their home country for a new home. Notice the signal word.
Use a Chart You can use a Cause-and-Effect Chart to demonstrate how events and ideas are related. Paraphrase the cause and effect from the paragraph above.
Cause-and-Effect Chart
Identify Cause and Effect As a group, read the first two paragraphs on page 406. Make a Cause-and-Effect Chart to demonstrate how the ideas are related.
Try It!
Work with a partner. Find another passage in “Seeking Freedom” that demonstrates cause and effect. Record the information in a chart.
Many Kurdish people were forced to leave their homes in Iraq.