3 = I know this word and can teach the word’s meaning to someone else.
Rate and Study the Words Rate how well you know each word. Then:
1. Pronounce the word. Say it aloud several times. Spell it.
2. Study the example.
3. Tell more about the word.
4. Practice it. Make the word your own.
Key Words
distance (dis-tunts) nounpage 457 Distance is the area between two points. The distance between Earth and the sun is 93 million miles.
orbit (or-but) verbpage 461 To orbit means to move in an almost circular path around another object. It takes Earth about 365 days to orbit the sun.
space (spās) nounpage 456 Space is the area beyond Earth. Scientists send special ships into space to learn about other planets and the moon.
telescope (te-lu-skōp) nounpage 459 A telescope is a tool you can look through to make faraway things look bigger.You can use a telescope to look at the moon.
temperature (tem-pur-chur) nounpage 460 The temperature is how hot or cold something is. We measure temperature using a thermometer.
unit (yū-nit) nounpage 458 A unit is a certain amount used in measuring.An inch is a common unit used to measure small objects.
universe(yū-nu-vurs) nounpage 456 The universe is everywhere and includes Earth, all other planets, and all stars.
vary (vair ē) verbpage 460 To vary means to be different from others. Snowflakes vary from one another so that no two are alike.
Practice the Words Make a Word Map for each Key Word. Then compare your maps with a partner’s.