What Is Style? Different singers may sing the same song in different ways. One sings it slowly and softly. Another sings it as a fast rap. The way they sing is their style.
An author’s style is the way the author expresses an idea. The author of a children’s book may write in short sentences that rhyme. A science author may write in long sentences full of technical terms.
Practice Together
Read and Discuss Read this passage from “A Universe of Stars.” Notice the author’s style. She
• uses some everyday words and some technical terms
• writes with short sentences and long sentences
• starts the sentences in different ways
• uses descriptive words to keep readers interested
• repeats important words to make sure readers understand the main idea.
Try It!
Choose Another Selection Look back at a selection you read before. Analyze the author’s style for that selection. Take notes on what you find.
• What type of words does the author use? What effect do they have?
• What important words or phrases does the author repeat?
• What types of sentences are in the selection? What effect do they have?
Share Your Findings Discuss your selection, and tell about the author’s style.