

(surch) 1 v. When you search for something, you look for it. You might search for something you lost. 2 n. A search is also the act of looking for something. We organized a search for the missing dog.


(-krut) 1 adj. Something that is secret is hidden from others. 2 n. A secret is something you hide from others. Can you keep a secret?


(su-lekt) v. To select something means to choose it. You may select five books to borrow from the library.


(sear-ēz) n. A series is a group of related things that are put in a certain order. There is a concert series for children in the park this summer.


(-kwens) n. The sequence of events is the order in which the events happen. Sarah must remember the right sequence of numbers to open her lock.


(su-vear) adj. Something that is severe is very serious or dangerous. Dad could not read because he had a severe headache.


(shel-tur) n. A shelter is a place where people can safely stay. An umbrella provides shelter from the rain.


(si-mu-lur) adj. Things that are similar are almost the same. Oranges and tangerines are similar fruits.


(ske-lu-tun) n. A skeleton is the set of bones in an animal or a person. The model shows a human skeleton.
Photograph of the bones of a human skeleton


(slāv) n. A slave is someone who belongs to another person and who works without pay. Owners forced slaves to work.


(sors) n. A source is the book or other text that you used to gather information. My source of information is an encyclopedia.


(spās) n. Space is the area beyond Earth. Scientists send special ships into space to learn about other planets and the moon.


(spi-si-fik) adj. Something that is specific is exact. Dr. Gonzales gave specific directions about which medicine to take.


(sta-chü) n. A statue is a model of a person or thing. The monument has a statue of Abraham Lincoln.


(strānj) adj. Something that is strange is not familiar. The reflection in this mirror is strange. I look so much taller.


(struk-chur) n. Structure is the way something is organized or put together. The structure of the building is strong.


(stru-gul) v. To struggle means to try hard. I struggle to beat my uncle at arm wrestling.


(stī-ul) n. A style is a certain way of expressing an idea. Salsa is one style of dance.


(suk-ses-ful) adj. To be successful means to have a good result or to be well liked. The team was successful at the science fair.
Photograph of students wearing the ribbons they won at a science fair


(su-port) v. To support means to help. People support friends and family when they encourage or comfort each other.


(sur-fus) n. The surface is the outside part of something. The surface of the lake is calm.


(sis-tum) n. A system is a way of doing things. An assembly line is a factory system that usually saves time and money.



(tāl) n. A tale is a story. The children enjoy listening to the tale.


(te-lu-skōp) n. A telescope is a tool you can look through to make faraway things look bigger. You can use a telescope to look at the moon.


(tem-pur-chur) n. The temperature is how hot or cold something is. We measure temperature using a thermometer.

Academic Vocabulary