Publish, Share, and Present

You have finished your compare and contrast paragraph. Now you are ready to publish your work! When you publish your writing, put it in final form to share with others.

photographs, one in black and white and the other in color

    Think about how your writing looks.

    • • Make sure your handwriting is clear.

    • • Add drawings or photos to compare life in the past to life today.

    • • Share your paragraph with an adult. Make a copy and send it with a letter to a relative or family friend.


    Read your paragraph aloud. Explain how the photos show how life was the same or different. Then listen to other students read.

    • • Are your facts surprising? Bring history to life! Use your arms and face to show how surprising your facts are. Act out things people do like driving or talking on the phone.

    • • Do your listeners know about life in history and life today? Invite listeners to ask questions and share ideas about life today or life in history. Compare facts and experiences about different times.

Also remember these tips.