Capitalization: Proper Nouns
A proper noun names a particular person, place, or thing.
Say the sentences. Look at the underlined words. Do they need capital letters? If so, tell why.
1. Guangzhou needs a capital letter.
It is the name of a city.
1. I. M. Pei was born in guangzhou, China.
2. In 1935, he came to massachusetts to study architecture.
3. One of the buildings he designed is at the foot of the rocky mountains.
4. Another is next to boston harbor.
5. He designed other buildings across the country.
6. Alexandra Nechita was born in romania.
7. Now the young artist lives in Los Angeles, California, near the pacific ocean.
8. She designed a giant angel sculpture in the city.
9. Her other artwork is in galleries from hawaii to new york.
10. When she was 12 years old, she met the Emperor of japan.
11.–20. Write the sentences above with the correct capitalization.
11. I. M. Pei was born in Guangzhou, China.