Americans from Other Lands

Capitalization: Proper Nouns

A proper noun names a particular person, place, or thing.

Study Sentences

Say the sentences. Look at the underlined words. Do they need capital letters? If so, tell why.

  • 1. Guangzhou needs a capital letter.

    It is the name of a city.

  • 1. I. M. Pei was born in guangzhou, China.

    photograph of I. M. Pei
  • 2. In 1935, he came to massachusetts to study architecture.

  • 3. One of the buildings he designed is at the foot of the rocky mountains.

  • 4. Another is next to boston harbor.

  • 5. He designed other buildings across the country.

    photograph of Alexandra Nechita
  • 6. Alexandra Nechita was born in romania.

  • 7. Now the young artist lives in Los Angeles, California, near the pacific ocean.

  • 8. She designed a giant angel sculpture in the city.

  • 9. Her other artwork is in galleries from hawaii to new york.

  • 10. When she was 12 years old, she met the Emperor of japan.

Write Sentences illustration of pen icon

11.–20. Write the sentences above with the correct capitalization.

  • 11. I. M. Pei was born in Guangzhou, China.