An article is a word that helps identify a noun. An article often comes before a count noun.After the game, we found a coat and an umbrella on the field.
Use a or an before nouns that are not specific. Use the before nouns that are specific.A boy walked around the field.
The coach’s son walked around the field.
Use a before a word that starts with a consonant sound.
a balla gatea playera one-way street (o is pronounced like w)
a capa kicka neta uniform (u is pronounced like y)
Use an before a word that starts with a vowel sound.
aeiousilent h
an antan elbowan inchan olivean umbrellaan hour
an apronan eelan ideaan ocean
an amountan electionan owl
an artistan orange
Do not use a or an before a noncount noun.The soccer ball was made of illustration of a proofreader's delete mark leather.
Do not use the before the name of:
• a city or stateOur next game will be in Dallas. Games in Texas are always exciting.
• most countriesWe will play a team from Mexico.
• a languagePeople will be cheering in Spanish and English.
• a day, a month, or most holidaysThe game will take place on Monday.
Is that in February? Yes, on President’s Day.
• a sport or activityThat will be a good day to play soccer.
• most businessesThe fans will have hot dogs to eat from Sal’s Market.
• a personYou may even see Sal himself.