An article is a word that helps identify a noun. An article often comes before a count noun. | After the game, we found a coat and an umbrella on the field. |
Use a or an before nouns that are not specific. Use the before nouns that are specific. | A boy walked around the field. The coach’s son walked around the field. |
Use a before a word that starts with a consonant sound. |
a ball | a gate | a player | a one-way street (o is pronounced like w) |
a cap | a kick | a net | a uniform (u is pronounced like y) |
Use an before a word that starts with a vowel sound. |
a | e | i | o | u | silent h |
an ant | an elbow | an inch | an olive | an umbrella | an hour |
an apron | an eel | an idea | an ocean | |
an amount | an election | | an owl | |
an artist | | | an orange | |
Do not use a or an before a noncount noun. | The soccer ball was made of leather. |
Do not use the before the name of: | |
• a city or state | Our next game will be in Dallas. Games in Texas are always exciting. |
• most countries | We will play a team from Mexico. |
• a language | People will be cheering in Spanish and English. |
• a day, a month, or most holidays | The game will take place on Monday. Is that in February? Yes, on President’s Day. |
• a sport or activity | That will be a good day to play soccer. |
• most businesses | The fans will have hot dogs to eat from Sal’s Market. |
• a person | You may even see Sal himself. |