Think of the dictionary as a tool you can use to learn everything you need to know about a word. Dictionaries tell you how to spell, say, and use words. From a dictionary you can learn how to divide a word into syllables, what part of speech a word is, and how to write different forms of a word. You can also learn the history of a word. Look for examples of all of these types of information on these dictionary pages.
S southwards space shuttle
ward slope of the mountain. Adjective.
south·ward (south′wərd) adverb; adjective.
southwards Another spelling of the adverb southward: They drove southwards. south·wards (south′wərdz) adverb.
southwest 1. The direction halfway between south and west. 2. The point of the compass showing this direction. 3. A region or place in this direction. 4. the Southwest. The region in the south and west of the United States. Noun.
∘ 1. Toward or in the southwest: the southwest corner of the street. 2. Coming from the southwest: a southwest wind. Adjective.
∘ Toward the southwest: The ship sailed southwest. Adverb.
south·west (south′west′) noun; adjective; adverb.
souvenir Something kept because it reminds one of a person, place, or event: I bought a pennant as a souvenir of the baseball game. sou·ve·nir (sü′və nîr′ or sü′və nîr′) noun, plural souvenirs.
sovereign A king or queen. Noun.
∘ 1. Having the greatest power or highest rank or authority: The king and queen were the sovereign rulers of the country. 2. Not controlled by others; independent: Mexico is a sovereign nation. Adjective.
sov·er·eign (sov′ər ən or sov′rən) noun, plural
sovereigns; adjective.
Soviet Union Formerly, a large country in eastern Europe and northern Asia. It was composed of 15 republics and was also called the U.S.S.R. The largest and most important of the 15 republics was Russia.
sow1 1. To scatter seeds over the ground; plant: The farmer will sow corn in this field. 2. To spread or scatter: The clown sowed happiness among the children.
Other words that sound like this are sew and so. sow (sō) verb, sowed, sown or sowed, sowing.
sow2 An adult female pig. sow (sou) noun, plural sows.
soybean A seed rich in oil and protein and used as food. Soybeans grow in pods on bushy plants. soy·bean (soi′bēn′) noun, plural soybeans.
space 1. The area in which the whole universe exists. It has no limits. The planet earth is in space. 2. The region beyond the earth’s atmosphere; outer space: The rocket was launched into space. 3. A distance or area between things: There is not much space between our house and theirs. 4. An area reserved or available for some purpose: a parking space. 5. A period of time: Both jets landed in the space of ten minutes. Noun.
∘ To put space in between: The architect spaced the houses far apart. Verb.
space (spās) noun, plural spaces; verb, spaced, spacing.
spacecraft A vehicle used for flight in outer space. This is also called a spaceship.
space·craft (spās′kraft′) noun, plural spacecraft.
space shuttle A spacecraft that carries a crew into space and returns to land on earth. The same
space shuttle
flight deck and crew’s quarters
remote-control arm
container for experiments
booster nozzle
main engines
external fuel tank
tank for liquid oxygen
payload bay
solid-rocket booster
cargo bay door
satellite inside protective cocoon
orbital maneuvering engine