space station Spanish S
space shuttle can be used again. A space shuttle is also called a shuttle.
space station A spaceship that orbits around the earth like a satellite and on which a crew can live for long periods of time.
spacesuit Special clothing worn by an astronaut in space. A spacesuit covers an astronaut’s entire body and has equipment to help the astronaut breathe. space·suit (spās′süt′) noun, plural spacesuits.
Astronauts take spacewalks to repair satellites and vehicles.
spacewalk A period of activity during which an astronaut in space is outside a spacecraft. space·walk (spās′wôk′) noun, plural spacewalks.
spacious Having a lot of space or room; roomy; large. —spa·cious adjective —spaciousness noun.
spade1 A tool used for digging. It has a long handle and a flat blade that can be pressed into the ground with the foot. Noun.
∘ To dig with a spade: We spaded the garden and then raked it. Verb.
spade (spād) noun, plural spades; verb, spaded, spading.
spade2 1. A playing card marked with one or more figures shaped like this. 2. spades. The suit thin strings. It is made of a mixture of flour and water. spa·ghet·ti (spə get′ē) noun.
The word spaghetti comes from an Italian word meaning “strings” or “little cords.” Spaghetti looks a bit like strings.
Spain A country in southwest Europe. Spain (spān) noun.
spamming The sending of the same message to large numbers of e-mail addresses or to many newsgroups at the same time. Spamming is often thought of as impolite behavior on the Internet.
spam·ming (spa′ming) noun.
span 1. The distance or part between two supports: The span of that bridge is very long. 2. The full reach or length of anything: Some people accomplish a great deal in the span of their lives. Noun.
∘ To extend over or across. Verb.
span (span) noun, plural spans; verb, spanned, spanning.
This bridge spans a wide river.
spaniel Any of various dogs of small to medium size with long, drooping ears, a silky, wavy coat, and short legs. The larger types are used in hunting. span·iel (span′yal) noun, plural spaniels.
Spanish 1. The people of Spain. The word Spanish in this sense is used with a plural verb. 2. The language spoken in Spain. It is also spoken in many countries south of the United States as well as in parts of the U.S. Noun.
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The entry word spacesuit falls between space station and Spanish in alphabetical order.
In this dictionary, words in blue have corresponding visuals. Special notes about how to use words also appear in blue.