Decodable Passage 9

How to Speak “Cow”

Most of the time, we speak to say things with words. But sometimes we express feelings in other ways. A frown or pout can mean “I’m unhappy.” A smile or shout may show joy. But what about an animal? How does it tell us its feelings? How does it tell another animal how it feels? It uses more than just its mouth!

Animals may use sounds or movements to communicate. You may have a dog or cat in your house. Can you tell when it is content or upset? Does the cat bound to the door to show it is happy to see you? Does the dog growl when you take away its bone? When your cat drops a mouse at your feet, it may meow to say that it is proud of this gift.

Animals that dwell outside may communicate better with other animals than with humans. Researchers have found that the sound a cow makes can tell other cows its age, whether it is male or female, and how it ranks in the herd. To find their rank, cows may butt their heads together to see who is stronger.

Water fowl like ducks and geese call to each other as they prepare to fly. A loud call can mean the bird is excited or angry. The calls are distinct if the bird is in the air flying or down on the ground.

Animals can say a lot without words. If we open our ears and eyes, they may teach us a lot.