Acknowledgments, continued from page ii

NASA: Cover image and the background image of the title page of Mars by Elaine Landau are from NASA.

The Perseus Books Group: Cover of ARE WE MOVING TO MARS? by Anne Schraff. Copyright © 1996 by John Muir Publications, a division of The Perseus Books Group. All rights reserved.

Rand McNally & Company: Cover of RAND MCNALLY QUICK REFERENCE WORLD ATLAS copyright © 1995 by Rand McNally & Company. All rights reserved.

Scholastic Library Publishing, Inc.: Mars by Elaine Landau. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission of Franklin Watts an imprint of Scholastic Library Publishing, Inc.

Time Inc.: Cover of TIME FOR KIDS, September 13, 1996, Vol. 2, No. 1. Copyright © 1996 Time Inc. All rights reserved.

World Almanac Education Group, Inc.: Cover of the WORLD ALMANAC FOR KIDS 2008. Copyright © 2007 World Almanac Education Group. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.

World Book, Inc.: The World Book Encyclopedia. © 2008. World Book, Inc. By permission of the publisher.


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