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5 (woman raking leaves) (man putting light on post) (hot dog vendor) (lifeguard) (coach) (police officers) Marilee Heyer. 12 (“Night Watch”) (security guard) (night sky) (uniform) (swatch of blue) Cathy Diefendorf. 14 (uniform) Cathy Diefendorf. 39 (senior center) Marilee Heyer. 46 (birds) Michael Bergen. 73 (seashore scene) (pond scene) Robert Hynes. 80 (“Under the Moon”) Marilee Heyer. 142 (“Recipe for a Story”) Terry Tidwell. 143 (Pirate) (Giant) (Bear) (Old woman) (Dragon) Lane Yerkes. 144 (Paul Bunyan) (Paul Bunyan and pancakes) (Paul Bunyan planting trees) (footsteps) Fian Arroyo. 145 (Aladin & Genie) (wishes) Marilee Heyer. 150 (“Tell Me a Tale”) Marilee Heyer. 152–153 (illustration of house) Barbara Fortin. 154–155 (interior of house) Barbara Fortin. 157 (god and goddess) (Poseidon and Athena) Kat Thacker. 176 (stomach, arm, heart, lungs, and skeleton) Artville 250 (scale) John Jones. 251 (family and storm) John Jones. 289 (turtle) Rick Allen. 290 (rain) (sun melting) Rick Allen. 291 (owl and sun) (two figures and sun) Rick Allen. 300 (stages of a rocket) (Saturn IV rocket) Stephen Wagner.