When you find a word that has multiple meanings, use context to try to figure out the correct meaning. Then check a dictionary.
Read a Dictionary Entry In a dictionary, entry words are listed in alphabetical order. The entry tells what the word means and gives other information.
Find the Meaning Read this sentence from “Familiar Places.” Use nearby words to figure out the meaning of stew.
Tear some of the injera to scoop up the hot stews. Which dictionary meaning matches your meaning?
Look Up Words Work with a partner. Find each word in the selection. Use context to figure out the meaning. Then check the word in a dictionary, and copy the correct definition.
• explain (ik-splān) verb When you explain an idea, you make it clear so people can understand it.
Suppose your neighborhood is having a festival. You invite a friend who lives in a different part of town. How will you explain how to get to the festival?
1 Draw a Map Make a drawing that shows the main roads. Write the name of each road your friend will use. Label where the festival is. Include a compass rose to show north, south, east, and west.
2 Think of Landmarks A landmark is a point along a route that helps you figure out where you are. Parks, monuments, and special buildings like a post office are good landmarks. Think about what your friend will see.
3 Write Directions Tell a partner how to get to the festival. Your partner writes the directions as a list: Turn right at the third street past the library. Go north one mile.