Every culture has its own traditions. In some regions, people wear certain kinds of clothing or eat special meals during holidays.
1 Choose a Topic Choose a culture to research. It can be your own or another culture that you want to know more about.
2 Research Traditions Find out about the traditions of that culture. Use books, magazines, and the Internet. Look for details and stories to share.
Explore different traditions.
3 Use a Chart Make a Traditions Chart to record the information you collect.
Traditions Chart
4 Plan Your Presentation Decide which details and stories to share. Also decide which ones not to share.
Think about the best order to present your ideas. You may:
• Tell a little about several traditions and a lot about one tradition.
• Use a calendar and tell about traditions that happen at different times of the year.
• Tell about many traditions that relate to a topic such as food harvest.
Consider bringing photos or other items such as traditional clothing or recordings of traditional music.
5 Present the Traditions Talk loudly enough so that everyone in the room can hear you. Relax and speak at a normal pace—not too fast and not too slow.
After your presentation, answer questions from your audience.
Indian teens wear traditional clothing.