Words that relate to the same topic form a category. Turnip and carrot form a category because they are both related to the topic vegetables. Words within a category may be more specific than the topic of that category. Turnip and carrot are more specific than vegetable.
Name a Category Work with a partner. Think of a category, which can be a word or a phrase, for these words:
Work in a group to list more words that belong to the same category. Explain how each word fits in the category.
Name Related Words With a partner, play a word game. One person names a topic, such as weather. The partner names three words that belong in that category. Change roles.
A man who lives in the mountains in China uses his computer.
1 Use Research Questions Research the topic of life in China. Focus on these questions:
• When did China get technology such as television, cell phones, and computers? How did people communicate before then?
• How does geography affect communication between people in China and the rest of the world?
2 Conduct Research Write your research questions on note cards. Use the cards to guide you as you look for information in textbooks, encyclopedias, and nonfiction library books about China.
3 Write a Journal Entry Imagine that you are living in China long ago. Describe the setting. Tell how the land makes communication difficult.