Shu Fa helps save her village. You can find stories of strong women like her in many cultures.
1 Read Another Story Read the story of She-Who-Is-Alone, from the Comanche people. Think about what the character is like and what she does.
2 Compare Characters Work with a group to make a Venn Diagram. Compare Shu Fa and She-Who-Is-Alone. In the outside areas of the diagram, write ways in which the women are different. In the middle, write ways in which they are alike.
Venn Diagram
3 Develop Theories Pay attention to the similarities between the characters. Why do you think two different cultures would have stories about characters that are so similar? Also think about any other stories you know with a similar character. Discuss your ideas with a group.
Bright blue flowers called bluebonnets relate to the legend of She-Who-Is-Alone.