Prefix | Meaning |
dis- | opposite |
mid- | middle |
mis- | wrongly |
pre- | before |
super- | above |
A prefix can be added to the beginning of a base word. It changes the word’s meaning.
mis- prefix | + | judge base word | = | misjudge |
The prefix mis- means “wrongly,” so misjudge means “to judge wrongly.”
Build Words Start with a base word and then add a prefix from the list to make a new word. Record each new word you make. Keep the spelling of the prefix and the base word the same. Say what the new word means, and use it in a sentence.
1. star
2. night
3. way
4. trust
5. agree
6. spell
7. cook
8. market
1 Conduct Research Learn some facts about pyramids. Find out how they were built and what is inside of them. Take notes about an aspect of the pyramids that interests you.
Take a virtual tour inside a pyramid.
Read about some important pyramids.
Study diagrams of pyramids.
2 Prepare a Presentation Use your notes to help you prepare an oral report. Decide which facts you will tell about and how you will organize them. Then:
• Think of an interesting introduction, or way to begin your talk. What will grab your classmates’ attention right away?
• Create a good conclusion, or ending. Briefly sum up what you said.
3 Present Your Findings Practice giving your talk. Then tell your classmates what you learned.