You can discover a lot about a civilization when you look at its art. Ancient art can give you clues about the crops that people grew or the metals they got from the earth. You can also discover their beliefs, customs, and values. Learn about ancient Egyptian art. Share your discoveries with the class.
1 Search for Art With a partner, search for photos of and information about ancient Egyptian art. Look for any type of art, including sculpture, jewelry, pottery, painting, and architecture.
Take a virtual tour of an ancient Egyptian art display.
2 Study the Art Choose a piece of art to tell about. Think about what the art shows and what materials and colors the artist used. Take notes about important details, such as where the art comes from, when it was made, and what it was made from. Note interesting facts, such as what the art represents and how it was used.
3 Plan a Talk What idea do you want to tell your listeners? Turn this idea into a key question. That’s how you can begin your talk. For example: “What was life like in ancient Egypt?” Your question should relate to the details you collected.
Review your notes. Find the facts that answer your question. Write each fact on an index card. Include enough facts to inform your listeners and to keep them interested. Then use the index cards to practice your presentation.
4 Share Your Findings Display the picture of the art so everyone can see it. Begin with your key question. Use your cards to guide your presentation. Speak clearly so everyone can understand. At the end, ask if anyone has questions.
This Egyptian statue is made of pressed glass.