How Is Writing Organized? You often read about causes and effects in stories. Sometimes a situation leads to a character taking action. The action is the effect, or the result of the cause. Sometimes an effect influences another event later in the story. Look for causes and effects in this part of the selection.
In this example, the cause is opening the door. The effect is that the cat escapes and runs into the neighbor’s yard. This action influences what happens later: Ana overhears two men talking about her father.
Practice Together
Use a Cause-and-Effect Chain A Cause-and-Effect Chain helps demonstrate how some events influence other events. Begin by writing the first cause in the first box. Write the effect in the next box, and so on. Compare this chain with the text above. What would go in the next box?
Cause-and-Effect Chain
Try It!
Create a Cause-and-Effect Chain Work with a partner. Choose another part of the story. Make a Cause-and-Effect Chain. Demonstrate how causes influence later events in the story.